Sophie McCafferty
Saint-Lazare, QC

Passionate about food, community and the land, Sophie (she/her) can be found with her hands in the ground. She completed the Pathy Foundation Fellowship working alongside the Tingathe Women’s Goat Cooperative to explore the potential of livestock agriculture in improving livelihoods and regenerating soil in Chilanga, Malawi. Following this she went on to work in her hometown for the Hudson Food Collective aiming to educate locals on the importance of food sovereignty. Her agroecological experience is complemented by her background in feminism grown through decolonial feminist trainings, gender-based violence policy analysis and community programming. In the off season, Sophie can be found hiking, swimming or crocheting! Sophie is excited to be a Parliamentary Intern for the Environment to learn how federal politics and public policy can be leveraged to further support grassroots work.